Autumn Update 2021

Autumn Update 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to all of our new community members!!

It’s no secret. The benefits of stand up paddle boarding for physical and mental health is now well recognised and I'm proud to say that SUP Tonic has been instrumental in creating a community that has opened doors and pathways for hundreds of people over the past few years.

We believe SUP is for EVERYONE and the upper reaches of the Swan River, Perth provide the best conditions to run our school, social sessions and community river clean up events. We think outside the box bringing new ideas and creative ways to enjoy paddle boarding in a safe and fun way that almost anyone can do.

We're also building solid relationships with like-minded people that share and uphold our ethical values and environmental responsibilities. The well-being of our community and environment is always at the forefront of our intentions. We are much more than a small group of people having fun! We’re changing lives – we think that’s BIG!



One of our proudest achievements includes the KEEP OUR RIVER CLEAN event that is now being supported by Keep Australia Beautiful WA and we’re excited to have KABCWA on board again for our next event on the 18th April 2021.  We hope to have bigger numbers this year to tackle the parks and reserves as well as the foreshore and river. We need to stop rubbish and plastics entering our waterways, harming our wildlife and environment. Thanks to our paddlers who are always collecting rubbish while on the water  - It's a never ending issue! If you and any of your friends can help on Sunday, it would be much appreciated – click here for details.










PUPS on SUPS is going strong and exciting things are in the wings this year for our Pupper’s and crew. I can’t say too much yet but if all goes to plan we'll be announcing some awesome events in the next coming months. PUPS on SUPS 50SPF shirts with your dogs personalised name are available for pre order now so head to the facebook page and put your order in for one of these quick! Also coming up soon is a paddle tour to Riverside Gardens, Bayswater – stay tuned. We are very over due for a group doggie paddle!!








We're loving our LONG SLEEVE 50SPF SHIRTS that make a clear statement about what we stand for! Thanks to Rod Gilchrist for putting these together! We were also able to find a printer who could do a minimum order of 10 which means we can do several short runs. If you’d like to order a shirt please get in touch via the FB link with your size and colour. It can take 3 weeks from the time the order is submitted. Cost is $55.00 per shirt available in black or white! Our first order is on it's way so I'll be in touch with everyone who ordered a shirt very soon.


Our second annual WHITE NIGHT event was amazing even though we had another set of COVID-19 restrictions to deal with!  This event is about celebrating friendship on Valentines day. Not all of us have partners but what we are proud of is that we have a healthy mix of couples and singles of all ages from different walks of life enjoying the spirit of stand up paddle boarding together. Thanks to everyone who came along and made the evening so much fun! Click here to view the photos that captured our evening beautifully.








This year saw an increase in PRIVATE 1:1 LESSONS. Private lessons are a great way to really hone in on the basics of SUP technique & confidence. Having the instructor all to yourself means you get a personalised session to suit the way you learn and this can progress your paddling enormously. We cater to complete beginners and the recreational paddler. To find out more please contact Maree on 0499 973 995.


The Partisan Brekky Run has gained momentum and thanks to Tim Mulford for never missing a beat. This session runs all year round and Tim is there to ensure that our paddlers are safe and sound! This can be a challenging stretch of the river hence the term "Burn & Earn" your guilt free brekky!. The crew at the Partisan Cafe provide outstanding service which is why we have been going back every week for over two years!!



MOORE RIVER SUP CAMP – JUN 11 – 13th! We can’t wait for this one! Our crew have done a few road trips over the years with the South West mostly being our go to location. We choose the off season as it's generally a lot quieter and more affordable.. The cold rainy weather is never an issue, it’s what makes the trips adventurous, fun and cosy!  Most of the time though, we’ve had great breaks in the weather allowing plenty of supping to be done.

There are 2 spots left for the MOORE RIVER CAMP so click on the link here for all the details or contact Maree on 0499 973 995 for a chat!


WINTER REUNION EVENT. Keep an eye out for the winter reunion paddle which will be sometime in July. Last year we served delicious soup afterwards at Garvey Park, Ascot and hope to run it again this year. If I recall it turned out to be a warm winters day and while this pleased most people, I was quite disappointed haha! The beanie and booties will be the go this year if all goes to plan!









HALLOWEEN. This event has been through a trial or two! After trying something different each year we think we’ll have it down pat this year! Our favourite go to Café The Partisan will be catering this years Halloween Parade on the 30th October – all we need is for Mother Nature to be in a good mood and we’ll be all fired up for a great paddle!! It’s never too late to start thinking about your costume and there’s nothing wrong with last years either!








Our members are still talking about this and want to do it again! Last year it was 10kms, this year it will be 15kms. The proposed dates are the 10th and 31st July so now is a good time to get some miles on the water. Our Wed evening session will change to an 8km paddle as of May so there is half the distance already each week.  Join us if you can!


PADDLE HOODIES. The next batch of paddle hoodies will be available soon in some really cool colours + some repeats of the last run! We’ll keep you posted!











As winter approaches, we’ll be adjusting our session times to take effect in May. All updates will be amended on social media event links and the webpage soon.

  • Sup skills and drills (short boards) – No change
  • Sup Skills and drills (long boards) – TBA
  • Pups on Sups – Moving to Saturday morning
  • Twilight SUP – Ends end of April
  • Guided SUP tours – New!
  • Private Lessons – By appointment
  • Wed Training – No change



Our team will rest and recover in August – such a beautiful time for it too. BUT, there will be no rest till then – we'll be busy as usual doing what we love and sharing as much as we can with our awesome community!







I wish to thank everyone for your continued support, embracing our community and what we stand for.

See you on the water!!


The Black Card entitles you to 10 x stand-up paddle board sessions, with a range of sessions to choose from. This is excellent value and is a great incentive to develop your paddling skills and fitness.
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