SUP Tonic News and Recap for 2022

SUP Tonic News and Recap for 2022

Howdy everyone,

Is it really another year down? Each year seems to pass quicker than the last!

It's been a long time since my last update aside from the announcement of our new HQ and as we head into 2023 your guess is as good as mine as to what lies ahead. There's no doubt about the challenges that many of us have faced throughout the past 2 years (on and off the water) and just like the river, we go with the flow!!

So what's been going on? Read on.

The Team

Tim went into retirement and is still with us leading the Saturday Morning brekky run from Maylands as it heads into it's 5th year! It's been running like clockwork for that long thanks to Tim's committment every week. Tim is definitely part of the furniture - like a big comfy Chesterfield (haha not so much of the big - sorry Tim) and hopefully will hang around for a few more years yet. Thanks to Tim for all of his hard work.

We have another ASI instructor on the team! Congratulations Debbie Robinson for achieving her Level 1 accreditation. Deb has come along in leaps and bounds since she first joined us on her short board on the 14th Feb 2021. She now rides anything including skinny 21.5 inch racers and has been entering local and interstate competitions. Deb has also become part of the furniture and her help with our events and HQ is greatly appreciated!!

Faye Harper - a long standing paddler and member has helped enormously as a volunteer at HQ, events and recruited a few SAS legends (super adventurous seniors). Faye is proof that age is no barrier when it comes to living life and looking at things in the most positive way. At nearly 70 Faye is strong on the water and an inspiriation to all!

Me: I'm still here too!  Working like a duck - you know how that one goes!

SUP Tonic Recap 2022

It's been business as usual! Our regular sessions that started from the beginning are enduring and if something is working I've learned, don't mess with the formula.

Wednesday Club Night is in it's sixth year going on seven. For those that haven't joined us yet, try to come along this summer - all levels welcome. Myself and Debbie take turns each week to run the session so you get a good mix of skills, drills and fun. Regulars will tell you we work hard, but I promise we have fun too.








As already mentioned the brekky run continues year in, year out, all year round including those chilly winter months. Well done to the gang for getting up and standing up week after week, year after year!

SUP Fit is also going well and gaining momentum as the weather warms up - a great session for fitness, fun and improving skills.








Sunday guided paddle is mostly running from HQ with a change of location every now and then - dogs are welcome (experience a must) and you can hang back for a cuppa afterwards.

Friday Twilight came to a halt during the winter as a result of all the heavy rain and floating debris. It's been hit and miss trying to get this going again but we'll start in the new year from our favourite spot at Sandy Beach Reserve in Basso. I've missed this very much and look forward to bringing it back.

Witches and Warlocks was a last minute success! It was windy as hell but everyone loved the challenge. I don't think we've ever had a smooth witches ride, what was I thinking to expect calm waters on Halloween!!! I did announce that it would be the last W&W event due to lack of numbers but there was some protest about this decision so we will see!!








Lake Brockman SUP Camp provided some R&R for our campers and we were lucky to have Tiger from Taiwan run a SUP session on the big lake which gave everyone some great take home tips. I love this spot and must say, I still maintain that winter is the best time for camping. So if we run another camp - be prepared for the winter experience that we are known for and do best - location to be advised.








City of Belmont "Lets Celebrate" Festival. It was a fabulous opportunity to be part of this series of events offering SUP to the community with the support of the COB. Garvey Park is a sensational location right on the Swan, a hive of activity and has a great cafe for food and coffee. I'm looking forward to more collaborative events like this in the future.

Paint and Paddle. This was a lovely collaboration with Tayy from Meraki Boho who is a talented artist bringing art therapy to the community. We plan to run this event together again in 2023 so stay posted for dates and details!








Tiger from Taiwan. One day I received an email from someone called Tiger. Hmmm, ok who is he and is this spam or legit. As it turns out, Tiger (his nickname) is a qualified level 2 ASI instructor who runs his own business called Rangers SUP and was looking for an opportunity to return to WA during their off season. Of course I did my homework and the rest is history. Most of our regulars have already met Tiger and he instantly fitted in as part of the crew! Tiger is one laid back dude, goes with the flow and has been a fabulous addition to the team. He's taken off down south for a change of scenery and will be rejoning us in between trips back and forth checking out the SUP scene.  I hope all of the crew gets a chance to meet Tiger during his time in WA.

River clean up events. We've had several clean up events this year and thanks to the usual crew who roll thier sleeves up to get involved every time - you are all legends! Also to those of us who remain on the job all the time - well that's just how it is and it's our way of contributing to the welfare of our wildlife. One thing that is very obvious is the cash for cans incentive which is clearly working as this is one item we find less and less of. Stay posted for the next event in 2023.








Members and Subscribed Membership

A big thanks to all of our members and those who have signed up for round three!

Becoming a subscribed SUP Tonic member offers significant value and includes 3 sessions per week and discounted board hire for non-board owners. Up to the 31st December 2022 an annual membership will cost $200. As of the 1st January 2023, the membership will increase to $250 per year to cover rising running costs. To put this into perspective, just one session per week at $200 p/a will cost you $3.85, less than your daily cup of coffee. At $250 per year the weekly cost will be $4.80 - still less than a cup of coffee!

As a subscribed member you can participate in Wednesday Club night, Saturday brekky run (experienced only) and Sunday morning guided paddles. Discounted private lessons and many other events for members too!!

Other member benefits include the use of our well facilitated riversside headquarters for personal events such as meetings, birthday and other celebrations, community events and more. Don't hesitate to get in touch for more information about costs how to book.

Jump here for all the membership info or call 0499 973 995!


Most people will be aware that SUP Tonic has a new riverside HQ in Maylands. Whilst we can't operate the majority of our SUP sessions from here (yet), it's a beautiful spot to take advantage of, drop in for a cuppa, chat about all things SUP, have a picnic, launch and dismount for experienced paddlers, purchase some goodies and gift vouchers for any occassion.

Having this premises provides us with a base that you can visit - IN PERSON, have a "voice" chat about what you can expect when you sign up for a paddle session or just hang out here - it won't cost you anything to BYO a picnic, sit under the shady verandah and take in the peace and quiet with the birds and river view! I'm totally old school and tend to be a F2F kind of person. I'm hopeless with technology and the fast pace of social media is getting harder and harder to keep up with - send me back in time pleeeeease! But you must be careful what you wish for. I recently said how great it would be if the internet disappeared and guess what - mine did! I didn't mean just for me, I meant for everyone!!!

So look, basically it's old fashoned here. Old fashioned tea and coffee (make yourself), old fashioned board games, and everything, (absolutely everything) has been purchased second hand. it's simple, cute and cosy and we love it that way! If this sounds like you're thing too, we'd love to have you over!

2 Hardey Road, Maylands (The little house on the river).








It's Hip to Be Square

It's been very quiet on the hipsters front lately. We have heaps of yarn available for any charity project work and I must extend a huge thanks to Mika who has taken the pressure off me to open HQ on Thursday mornings. It's been a hectic year so hopefully in 2023 we'll be back in the mood for some crafty work, we'll just go with the flow and see what "unravels". In the mean time you can join the FB group "It's Hip to Be Square" so you're kept in the loop with whats going on.








What's ahead for 2023

More of the same. We'll keep doing what we do well and boy am I ever looking forward to winter already - haha! I do believe winter paddling is one of our biggest strengths and I'm making plans already.

January is busy with events. The big one is the Michael BOOTH clinic on the 8th and 11th January. The 8th is completely booked out, places are still available for the 11th. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the world - click here to book.  SUPER-GIRLS is running over 3 weeks in January and this was inspired by the success of SUPER-DADS! It was so popular so lets see how the girls go!! I'm also working out some dates to head to Mandurah for some workshops gain soon!

And what else? Learn to stand up paddle, SUP more often, reconnect with your SUP buddies, become a member of our club, introduce someone to this amazing activity!

If 2022 is anything to go by there isn't a minute to waste! Find a way to do more of what you enjoy and more of what's meaningful. It's hard, but maybe not as hard as we think. A bit of teamwork between us and the universe could make some magic happen.







On that note, happy festivities to you and your families, stay safe and well.

Maree 🙂





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